Health Risk Assessment assesses the hazards and risks to workers’ health posed by the work environment, the company’s surroundings or workers’ personal health conditions. In managing health risks, DPM take effective steps in accordance with the risk control hierarchy to protect the health of workers for whom DPM are responsible.
Starting with a pre-employment health check that will be the basis for determining eligibility and workload. Furthermore, DPM regularly monitor each worker’s health condition and provide health consultation and treatment for workers with health problems. For this purpose, the company has prepared facilities according to the standard, as DPMll as providing internal and external training programs as an effort to improve in quality of human resources. DPM conduct annual employee health assessments as a basis for determining sustainability programs in the field of occupational health. At the end of the working period, each worker will get a final examination to assess the health condition of worker before the retirement period.
Fatigue risk management, food safety and nutrition management, and work environment management are some of the programs DPM constantly evaluate and improve to create a healthy, safe, comfortable and productive work environment.
DPM see workers as a precious asset, for that DPM carry out employee safety and health management, not only limited to problems that arise from personal but also the work environment is evaluated and modified so that the hazards that arise can be controlled effectively.
The drug-abuse elimination program is currently one of the programs that continue to be intensified by the Government of Indonesia. The company realizes that this is a big challenge for operational activities related to occupational safety and health, so DPM are always committed to supporting all programs that the government has launched with anti-drug education activities and periodic checks for drug use. Through media campaigns, DPM also promote it to all work units and communities around the mining site.