About Us
PT Dairi Prima Mineral
Brief History & Geography
Strategic Mining Ventures
We hold a Contract of Work (CoW) which was granted by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (GOI) on February 18th, 1998. Under the terms of our CoW DPM explored for minerals in a 27,420-hectare area located in the North Sumatra and Aceh provinces. Based on Ministerial Decree No. 272 of 2018, the total area explored by the DPM in CoW has changed to 24,636 hectares.
A high-grade zinc deposit located in the Sopokomil area in the western region of northern Sumatra was initially drilled in 1997 and provided outstanding assay results. The deposit is known as Anjing Hitam. Over the next 6 years, following the granting of the CoW, further exploration was carried out in the region by DPM with success in both defining a significant resource at Anjing Hitam and also in identifying other local ore bodies that are the subject of further exploration activities. In 2002 we initiated a pre-feasibility study to determine the viability of the Anjing Hitam resource as a stand-alone project. The results were positive with an identified resource of 6.3 million tonnes (MT) at 16% Zinc Sulphide and 9.9% Galena (Lead Sulphide). These results provided the incentive for further definition drilling of the ore body and the commencement of a definitive feasibility study (DFS) in September 2003.

The DFS was essentially completed towards the end of 2004 and the outcome was confirmation that the Anjing Hitam resource contained 7.7MT at 16% Zinc Sulphide and 9.8% Galena (Lead Sulphide) with a Zinc equivalent of 23.8%. Anjing Hitam was viable project on its own without inclusion of resources identified in surrounding associated ore bodies.
PT DPM has obtained environmental permits (Environmental Impact Analysis) issued by the Regent of Dairi Regency on October 27, 2005.
On 23 July 2012, The GOI issued the Company’s Borrow-Use Permit that clears the way to commence development and production of the mine. Pre-development planning continues at present.
Location and Access
Much of the CoW and mine site area consists of rugged ranges, part of the Barisan Ranges, which form the backbone of Sumatra. Peaks rise to 1319m above sea level (ASL) in the project area with the main ridges over 1000m ASL rising from a NW sloping valley terrace level of 300-600m ASL in the valleys of Lae Renun (Renun River) and Lae Simbelin.
The climate is upland tropical with an average daily temperature of 19° – 29° in the Sopokomil area and an annual rainfall in the vicinity of 3000 to 5000 mm. The main wet season runs from September to January and a lesser one runs from April to May, although there is substantial rainfall in most months of the year.

Our Guiding Principles
Defining Our Journey
01. Our Vission
02. Our Mission
Award and Recognitions
Recognition of Excellence

Core Values
Principles We Uphold

Board Management
Board of Commissioners

Suseno Kramadibrata
President Commissioner
School of Civil Engineering, Curtin University Australia.
Mr. Suseno Kramadibrata, an Indonesian citizen, received Mining Engineering Degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. His Master degree and PhD were obtained from Western Australian School of Mine and School of Civil Engineering, Curtin University Australia.
He brings with him over 30 years experiences in mining operation, engineering, and management from his previous assignments at Bukit Asam, Rio Tinto Indonesia, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, Adaro and Bumi Resources Minerals. Currently he serves as Vice President Director of Bumi Resources Minerals (BRM). Previously, he worked as Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mining Engineering ITB and during his stay in Australia he among others was a Research Associate at the Brodie Hall Research Center of Curtin University, Western Australia. He is the President of Indonesian Rock Mechanics Society (IRMS), Member of International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) and Member of Commission on Testing Methods of ISRM. He received Senior Professional Engineer (IPU) Certificate from The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII).

Wang Ruoyu

Zheng Han

Zhu Xiaoming

Sufen Triantio
Ms. Sufen Triantio, an Indonesian Citizen, earned a Bachelor Degree in Accounting from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. Her qualifications among other includes as Certified Public Accountant (2004), Level 1 Chartered Financial Analyst (2002) and Level 4 Badan Sertifikasi Manajemen Resiko.
Ms. Sufen Triantio has more than 20 years of professional experience in Finance Management from many reputable companies such as Aneka Tambang (current position as SEVP Portfolio Management), Arthur Andersen (last position as Senior Consultant), PricewaterhouseCoopers, Danamon, HSBC Indonesia and Maybank Indonesia.
Board Management
Board of Directors

Zhang Ming
President Director
Mr. Zhang Ming, a Chinese citizen, holds a Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Central South University, China. Mr. Zhang Ming obtained extensive and successful experience in executing and managing nonferrous metal projects for the whole cycle covering geological exploration, mining, mineral processing and metal smelting/refining.
Prior to his appointment as President Director of PT Dairi Prima Mineral, he had a career as the person in charge for Alumina Refinery Construction Project in India (2008), Bauxite Geological Exploration in Laos (2009-2014), 25 million tpa Copper Concentrator Project in Kazakhstan (2015-2018), 5 million tpa Iron Ore Processing Project in Middle East (2017-2019), 70 million tpa Copper Concentrator in Russia (2021-2022), and also served as General Manager of Marketing Department of China Nonferrous Metal Industries Foreign Engineering and Constrction Co. Ltd., (NFC) from year 2019 until 2023 and Assistant to President of NFC (2023-present).

Huang Yong
Mr. Huang Yong, a Chinese citizen, earned a Bachelor Degree in Economics (International Trade) from North China University of Technology and a Master Degree in Market Economics from Peking University. Mr. Huang Yong starting his career in 2006, worked in different financial positions. During 2010-2018, he was deeply involved in a concentrating mill construction project in Southern Krygyzstan and a few mining projects in Kazahkstan and Russia, as financial manager and then as CFO. The concentrator project in Southern Krygyzstan get started in 2010 and completed construction in 2013; The copper mining projects in Kazakhstan started in 2014 and completed in 2018, including the Bozshakol project and the Aktogay project, each have an annual ore processing capacity of 30 million tonnes, and these projects have achieved great success both technically and financially. He is dedicated to make contribution to the DPM project with his experience on project management, international investment and financial issues.

Drajat Setiawan
Mr. Drajat Setiawan, an Indonesian Citizen, received his Bachelor degree in Geodetic from Bandung Institute of Technology, and Master Degree in Mining, also from Bandung Institute of Technology. Mr. Drajat Setiawan has more than 20 years experiences in Engineering and Mining Operation. He has spent his career on underground mining projects during the exploration, construction, and production stage with various mining methods. Started off his career at PT Freeport Indonesia from 2003 to 2012 in the DOZ Block Cave Mine, Big Gossan Mine and Grasberg Block Cave Mine. He served as Technical Manager at PT Dairi Prima Mineral before being appointed as Head of Technical Mine (KTT) and promoted as a Director in 2023.

Louise S. Ferdinandus
Ms. Louise S. Ferdinandus, an Indonesian citizen, got her Law Degree from Roman Catholic University, Atma Jaya Jakarta and Master Law Degree from Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta. She has over than 20 years experiences in business law, Indonesian capital market as well as mining law. Started her career at several Consultants and Attorneys at Law in Jakarta during the period of 1998 – 2007 which dealing with the Assets Acquisition (Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency Program), Corporate Restructuring as well as Project Financing. In period 2007 – 2010 she was involved in capital market activities by joining a Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) public listed company. In 2010, she joined PT Bumi Resources Minerals, Tbk, one of the largest groups in mineral mining business activity, she involves in the mining development program including the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management Project.

Chen Guojun
Mr. Chen Guojun, a Chinese citizen, graduated from Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology and obtained his Master Degree from Changchun University of Technology, both in Mining Engineering. He has more than 20 years work experience from various mining companies in China. He started his work in August 1997 in the second mine of NFC Chifeng Baiyinuoer Mining Co., Ltd. as an mining engineer, becoming a deputy mine manager from May 2005 to May 2011, served as the mine manager from May 2011 to September 2015, and the deputy general manager from 2015 to 2018. Since October 2018, he worked as VP at PT. Dairi Prima Mineral. He also got several awards, in 2011 and 2014 he has been awarded “Advanced Individual in Production Safety” award by NFC, “Advanced Worker” of NFC in 2012-2014, the “2010-2011 Advanced Group for Safe Production” of NFC in March 2012, and “the Advanced Unit and Advanced Individual” of CNMC in 2011 to 2015.